Christmas Giveaway – Crystals & £200 book vouchers

I am giving away book vouchers – how can you get them?
All you need to do is review and recommend The Children of Pisces – any book(s) that you have read. We will put your name in a hat from the following socials and the more reviews/platforms you are on then the more times your name goes into the hat. And remember to sign up to the newsletter list starting near Christmas and subscribe to my YouTube channel

Reviews taken from everyone who has contributed on: Amazon, Waterstones, Goodreads,, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, LinkedIn and YouTube.

1st person £100 in book vouchers – imagine that in your Christmas stocking!
2nd person £50 in book vouchers
and the next 5 people £10 book vouchers each
Totalling £200 in vouchers

See this link on YouTube for more information on the Christmas Giveaways

And there is more… I have a goal to get 10,000 YouTube subscribers by Christmas and for those who comment, like, subscribe and push my YouTube channel I will pick 5 top commentors and pushers (just comment on the videos how many of your friends & family have subscribed) and the more interaction the more times your name goes into the hat for 5 LEPIDOLITE crystals to be with you to help 2025 be a calmer and easier year ahead. Watch the above video for more information on Lepodolite and the give aways.

Your support in helping me get more subscribers is much appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting me as a writer. It’s where my passion lies and if I can give any reader just a moment of excitement and happy escapism form this crazy world then I have fulfilled my destiny. Dream big and live bigger my friends 🙂

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